(Monday December 18)
And Moses indeed was faithful in all His house as a servant, for a testimony of those things which would be spoken afterward, but Christ – as a Son over His own house, whose house we are if we hold fast the confidence (παρρησίαν, boldness) and the rejoicing (καύχημα, boast) of (our) hope firm to the end.” (Hebr 3:5-6)
There is a lot to unpack here, but I’ll just say this: We are Christ’s “house,” my friends, and He lives in us, if we boldly and even boastfully, — I would say, *audaciously*, hope. To the very end. Does this mean being naïve or passive, when we suffer failures, losses, or some other painful experiences, either by some fault of our own or someone else’s? No. This means, rather than wallowing in negativity, we maintain our focus on our death-trampling Lord, in Whom we boldly and boastfully dare to *hope* even when we’re in the darkest places. Because He always leads us to new life and growth, even from there.
If I have felt kicked in the gut by some experience, let me place my pain where it belongs, in the hands of One Who can handle it. He is the Master of the “house” in which I choose to live today. I need not descend into the underground of discouragement and victimhood, when I can inhabit such a noble and light-filled house. All the inhabitants of God’s house, including me, emanate an audacious hope, rather than doom-and-gloom, onto our surroundings. This means, we talk about it, we show it in our faces, and we act directly and confidently, in doing the will of our one-and-only Master. Lord, enlighten us with Your hope today, that we may dust ourselves off from any falls and walk forward as your responsible, grown-up and audacious children.