(Thursday, October 12)
“The LORD shall keep you from all evil;
The Lord shall guard your soul.
The LORD shall keep your coming in and your going out,
From this time forth, and forevermore.” (Ps 120/121:7-8)
The above-quoted Psalm begins with the words: “I will lift up (or “have lifted up,” in the Greek version) my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.” I love the part about *lifting up my eyes to the hills*, especially helpful when my eyes have been glued to my phone or computer for too long, and the reminder that *my* help comes from the Maker of heaven and earth.
*We* have made other things, like constant connectivity and information-flow through our phones and computers, but He made heaven and earth, to both of which I need to remain connected. With my feet planted firmly on the ground, as a human being I am called also to consistent connection with heaven; to embrace the “bigger picture” of God’s creation, both visible and invisible, with the hope and purpose God maintains for all of us, on earth as it is in heaven. It is a great relief, to lift up my eyes every now and then, and become aware of God’s eyes on me and all of us, as we are “coming in” to, and “going out” of, our various tasks, situations, difficulties, successes and failures, days and nights, etc.
Let me be attentive to my “coming in” to this Thursday, known as The Fifth Day in Hebrew and Greek (yom hamishi, pempti), signifying the Fifth Day of creation when God created the fish and the birds. Let me “come in” to this day with a grateful heart, awake to the fact that God’s loving gaze is on me, as I finish this reflection, go to wash my face, do my exercises, get dressed, and prepare for work with my assistant, embracing the hope and faith He has in each of us, throughout our ups and downs. “The Lord shall keep your coming in and your going out, From this time forth, and forevermore.”