“Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be (ἁγιασθήτω) Thy name…” (Mt 6: 9)
Indeed, “hallowed be Thy name,” despite our often not Christ-like behaviours, as Christians.
God’s “good name” can be obscured or even tarnished by us, who have been baptised (e.g., “immersed”) or consecrated/ordained in His name. If we, who are supposed to be dedicated to, and ministering in, His name, are actually self-serving; serving our own “name,” or perhaps many “others,” whose name is “legion” (cf. Mk 5: 9), like our particular political causes, then the light and goodness of God’s “name” does not shine forth from us. It rather becomes obscured, or even confused with the darkness and evil of His enemies. As St. Paul writes, “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” (Rom 2: 24) And that is particularly sad, when the world so needs the consolation and light of God’s holy name.
But let me not be distracted today, from the unchanging holiness and light of God’s “name,” regardless of our own fallings-short of it. Lord, today I let no other “names” get in the way of Yours, or to obscure its light in our midst. “Hallowed be Thy name.” Amen!