“’While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.’ When Jesus had said this, he departed and hid himself from them. Though he had done so many signs before them, yet they did not believe in him.” (Jn 12: 36-37)
I do “have the light” today, whenever I choose to turn toward Him. I “have the light” in the many, powerful and life-giving gifts of the Holy Spirit to the Church “in this world”; gifts like Holy Scripture, and other sacraments or mysteries that live and breathe in us and through us, on a daily basis, whenever we choose to embrace them in faith, rather than say, “Yes, but…” all the time.
Let me choose to “believe in the light” offered to me today, by the ever-generous hand of our Lord Jesus Christ. Indeed, He has “done so many signs before” me already, on the many occasions that He’s dispelled my darkness and merely-human fears, by the grace of His Spirit. I can grow today, once again, “in the light,” rather than focus on darkness, and I can choose to be nurtured as a “child of light.” So, I re-connect with Christ this morning, opening my heart to His presence in my life. “Thy will be done” with all of us today, Lord, “on earth as it is in heaven.”