(Monday, May 1)
This Monday morning let’s think about having *faith* or trust in God, as we go about our responsibilities, even when we don’t have *knowledge* of His presence in our lives. This is what today’s Gospel-reading is about (it is Jn 4:46-54, if you want to read it): It is about the nobleman from Capernaum, who comes to Cana of Galilee to implore Jesus to come and heal his son, who was dying. Our Lord responds to him by addressing not only this man, but all of us, in the second person plural: “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe.” (Jn 4:48) Then the man insists, “Sir, come down before my child dies!” But Jesus says to him, “Go your way; your son lives.” So, our Lord does not do exactly what the man asks; He does not “come down” with the man, but challenges him to “go his way,” trusting the Lord’s word. “So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him,” the Evangelist John observes, “and he went his way.” And his son was healed, as he learned when he headed home.
Today I want to carry the Lord’s challenge throughout my day, as if He said this to me: “Go your way”; do what you are called to do, according to the responsibilities of your vocation, and trust that whatever your greatest worry or fear may be this morning, I will be there, doing what I do, breathing life into your darkest situations, as Your life-creating Lord.
Thank You, Lord, for Your abiding presence in our lives, in which we are never alone as we “go our way.”