(Friday, June 30)
“In the morning hear my voice, my King and my God.” (First Hour Troparion, Byzantine Horologion, cf. Ps 5:1-2)
First thing this morning, as I was getting out of bed and saying the above-quoted Troparion, I noticed two words in it that I never quite paid attention to before: *my voice*. I have a voice, and I ask God to hear *my* voice, in the beautiful prayer-tradition of the First Hour (called “Prime” in Western Christian traditions). First thing in the morning, this prayer teaches me to pay attention to *my* voice, and to use it first and foremost to speak with the King Who is always listening, God.
Each of us is dignified with a God-given voice, which is always heard, and which always matters, to Him. Thank You for my voice, and for lending me Your ear this morning, my King and my God.